Privacy statement

The following privacy statement has the goal to inform you abot what personal information we collect in our services and how do we use it. By using our apps linked to this privacy statement you agree to the following privacy statement.

Information we collect

We splashapps do not collect and store any of your personal information by means of any of our apps. The only pieces of information our apps collect are technical details such as your device’s screen width or Internet connectivity. In the contact form in the contact section of this webpage we only ask for your email address in order to be able to answer back.

How do we use it

All of the data gathered by our apps is exclusively intended to provide you with the functionallity of that specific app and the information is never shared with us or any other companies for marketing or other purposes. The above mentioned non-sensitive pieces of data our apps use are stored in your mobile device and under no circumpstance are shared with anyone, including us. At any given moment you can delete the app’s storage, although that can have consequences over your experience with the app regarding services that require data storage like high score records. As there is no personal information stored by us, we do not use it in any manner.

Children and families

Some of our apps are part of the ‘Designed for families’ program in Google Play. This means that we try to adapt these apps and games to be adequate for children under the age of 13 years old. No inappropiate content is shown within those apps.

Contact us

Feel free to contact us if you believe that we can help or further clarify something through the contact form of the webpage or sending an email to